Which makes me wary of the article quality - who can research and write a 500-page article in half an hour? Do they revise their writing or do they just post? Are they talking about blog posts or third-person articles? Agreed, an expert on a field who has done topic and image research previously could write a clear article off the top of her/his head. But otherwise I'd say don't worry about how long it takes . Do the best job you can with proper research, quotes and images and worry about improving your speed later. It'll follow naturally. And nothing is as rewarding as getting praise for a well-researched and helpful article.
But there are a few ways to speed up typing: learn useful keyboards shortcuts and special character shortcuts that you use often, for example when you write in or about a different language. Here are a few articles of mine on the subject:
- Keyboard shortcuts for writer
- Typing special German letters fast
- Typing special Spanish letters fast
- Decoding text messaging lingo - for sms use only, don't write articles in sms short forms
Happy writing!
Oh, by the way, that beautiful picture above is of Molokini Crater in Hawaii - it's a snorkelers' and scuba divers' paradise. It is one of the best pictures I've used this week; it was for an article I did on submarine volcanoes - check it out if you would like to know more.
And in case you were wondering - it took me about 60 minutes to write this post, including spell check, image, links and revisions.