Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Advantage No. 3: Article Requests

Has it happened to you that a friend or colleague said: "I wish there was an article on XYZ topic" and you were actually able to help them out by writing it?

This is easy to do if you have a writing outlet (i.e., the web site, blog or print publication you write for) that lets you publish in a variety of areas.

Though it rarely happens that one is an expert on the topic requested, it is all the more rewarding when it happens. Because a) you are helping a friend and b) you are filling a gap by answering a request, and c) you don’t have to search for a useful topic.

My article on how to type special German letters like the umlauts and ß fast by using keyboard shortcuts elicited the response: “I wish that was available for Spanish!” Well, that was one request I could fulfill easily. Here’s the article link for anyone interested.

Happy writing!

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