Photo: Master Sergeant Andrew Dunaway / USAF
Oops, by goes another month... where did October go? And where's the October post? It'll happen, just in November :)
I got something special today, an article by a fellow writer who is a great thinker, researcher and analyst. His article uncovers a truth that's not that hidden, namely why the world is so interested in Afghanistan. Though the humanitarian aspect sounds nice and gives that warm fuzzy feeling ("free the people of Afghanistan!"), nothing could be further from the minds of the international forces currently trying to restore "order" in Afghanistan.
Read about the real incentives that have made Afghanistan the center of attention for decades now. Here's "Black Gold Still Rules in Pipelineistan."
Oh, and what the heck, while we're on the subject of depressing truths, here's an article about the Opium Trail.
That still reminds me of something positive though - poppy seeds! Totally legal and absolutely YUM in pastry...

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